Sunday, April 22, 2012

Budgets, Financial Management and National Scandal?

Ultimately, budgeting is critical to success -- in your personal life or as the manager of an organization.  The larger the organization, the more variables you must manage in creating and monitoring a budget.  Ultimately, the numbers, while important, are not as important as the thought process and the logic that goes on behind it. Ultimately, however, the point is sustainability.  What does this linked file tell you about balancing mission to sustainable processes? 

Analysis and financial management frameworks (laws and regulations) are more complicated.  One interesting resource is: 

There have been significant changes in this arena post-Enron (it affected the nonprofit sector as well as the for-profit). Read more about the SARBANES-OXLEY bill. Non-Profit specifics are particularly related to board ethics (as we've discussed lightly in class). Additionally, the recent ACORN scandal further presents the issues of 'why' financial management and accountability are important.

From Sarbanes Oxley to ACORN, what are your thoughts on financial accountability and management?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Contributed Income - The Long and Winding Road

Contributed Income is the other side of the income coin for a nonprofit organization.  These monies are not available to for-profit organizations. They are tied to the fundamental assumption that nonprofits are serving the community and donations are the means by which the community contributes to their existence. (very short version -- read the book too :-)

There is an publication that all professional fundraisers read -- Chronicle of Philanthropy:

There is an organization dedicated to the field, as well -- The Foundation Center:

Read the "about us" of the Foundation Center and poke around their web site.  Read a column in the Chronicle. 

What do you glean of the job of someone working in the field of Development/Fundraising?  Who are these people and what do they do?

Emerging modes of on-line fundraising include "Pepsi Refresh" and "KickStarter".  How are these new and different ways to raise money/engage people in a cause?  

FYI: Imagination Stage participated in the Pepsi Refresh project in December. We did not win, but we got a lot of engagement . . . (we were SO close -- one away from winning!). You can see our core fundraising video at (it is the first of 3):

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Communications: Marketing, Advertising,Public Relations, Audience Development . . . the options continue

What are we really talking about? Creating relationships and offering opportunities for exchanges (you give me money, I will give you a __insert adjective here__ experience).  Communicating from a nonprofit (or for profit) arts organization is a 'leveler' in many ways.  Advertising in a newspaper, for example, is the same for a production of INTO THE WOODS as it is for a new make-up.  You are hitting the same audience and you have to grab their attention.

Advertising:  paying someone else to run an ad (print or radio or web).
Public Relations: giving reporters information such that they can, if it seems like it might be of interest to their readers, write an article about it.
Reviews: Encouraging reporters to engage in an artistic endeavor and write about it.
Marketing/Communications: a strategy to bring about an exchange. It usually involves direct mail/email, advertising, public relations and personal selling (remember last week's box office?) to enact a single ticket purchase.

So, how does an arts marketer convince a potential audience member to buy a ticket (or a subscription) to a performance? Pick up your free NY Times in the entrance of Center for the Arts and pick an advertisement or an article.  What are they trying to communicate? Who will find that interesting?  (that would be the target market.)  How do you know?  (write about it below and bring to class)

Check out your organization's web site . . . how are they 'converting sales' or are they?  Check out the Super Bowl Ads  . . . who is their target market? How are they converting sales?

Finally, who are the people interested in seeing theatre or the arts?  Check out research reports 54 and 49 (2008 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts and Beyond Attendance: A Multi-Modal Understanding of Arts Participation).  

The reports are large -- so glean the basics from the summaries.  What does that tell you? pay attention to shifts and percentages . . . who really cares that Everyman or Center Stage have performances ever?

Extra Credit: You are surrounded by marketing every day, all day long. . . . the noise is what marketers are trying to break through anyway they can.  For 'professional' peer-to-peer advice, check out this blog:

Sunday, April 1, 2012

How do theatres earn income?

Earned income comes from a myriad of sources for theatres in the United States.  However, there are some distinct differences between resident, nonprofit theatres and Broadway-based Commercial theatres.

Read p. 6 - 11 on TCG's Theatre Facts 2010 to get a sense of where the industry is and how it is moving forward specifically to earned income. (feel free to read pp 1 - 5 to get the executive summary overview)

Here are some stats for Broadway: ,

Very different reports/industries, yes?

How do nonprofit theatres generate earned income?  What are the differences between these lines of income and a Broadway Theatre or a movie theatre?  Why do those differences exist?

Are there items theatres might be able to sell (or things you would like to buy) that have yet to be offered?

Nicki -- this is your week to jam! Have fun!