Monday, January 30, 2012

Welcome to Spring 2012's Theatre Administration Blog!

Welcome class of 2012! After reading through the syllabus what thoughts/questions do you have? Take a moment to fill out the information form:

You can view my background in "my profile" on the blog. 


  1. Hello, I was just wondering how do I set up for
    Arts Journal weekly update? And I am kind of concerned because I am really a visual and lecture type I was wondering is majority of the class going to take place online? Online classes always seem to throw me off and whenever I take an online class I do not get the grade that I am striving to get..I also wanted to know what will the final exam consist of? will it be a real exam? or will it be a paper or project or both?

  2. Hi,
    If you go to you can set up an automatic email feed on a weekly basis. Just click on "about" and then on the right "email".

    We will be online on tuesdays and in person on Thursdays. The final exam will be real. There is also a final project where you use all the stuff we've discussed all year to create your own arts organization in Baltimore.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions. I will see you in class on Thursday.


  3. Hi Brett Crawford,

    What do we need to complete by today, Tuesday, Januaray 31,2012? I completed the online survey, is that all?

    Charmise Jackson

  4. And posting any questions to the blog and signing up for arts journal .... All done!

  5. Hi Everyone!

    Just wanted to say hello and ask Brett Crawford if there will be live discussions online and if so do we get notice beforehand? Thanks!


    1. Hi,
      Live discussions will happen a few times during the semester (otherwise we will be asynchronous). You will get a week's notice if it is going to be a live chat.


  6. Hi Dr. Crawford,
    Am I suppose to create a discussion tomorrow,or wait until Thursday for your lecture.Also, what exactly am I writing about?
